The Takatalo & Tompuri Brewery is a brewery based in the village of Ravijärvi in the scenic environs of Virolahti near Finland’s border with Russia. It is here that farmers Mikko Suur-Uski and Juha Kokkala brew their Kaski brand of beer. The malting barley, oats and water used for brewing Kaski beer come from the Suur-Uski and Kokkala farms. Brewed using premium ingredients, Kaski is a flavourful journey to ancestral roots. Always been brewing.
More about Takatalo & Tompuri Brewery
2016- 2-vessel brewhouse 10 hl
Two-cylinder malt miller machine
Multi-purpose mashing tun
Combined Kettle-Whirlpool tun
Cooling and aeration unit
Hot water tank/bojler
Universal CKT type fermentation tank
Universal storage tank (druck)
Dry hooping equipment for IPA beers
Sterile air and CO2 supply system
Glycol system (air cooled) cooling aggregate with two compressors
Macro element ice accumulator